Saturday, October 22, 2011

Preview of Posts to Come

Hello All!

I have been absolutely terrible at updating my blog recently, as evidenced by not completing my spring break chronicles yet- but I have some very good excuses!

I have been so busy exploring Cape Town this past month that I haven't had an opportunity to write about it, and now, the weekend after classes ended, I have gone straight into finals mode- terms papers, tests etc. After I become a real person again, I promise to update about all of the things I've been doing recently including:

-soccer game at the world cup stadium
-Rocking the Daisies music festival
-my 21st birthday
-seal island / Hout Bay
-restaurant recommendations/food in Cape Town
-organizing a fundraiser for the NGO I intern for
-quirks about Cape Townian life
-bucket list for my final weeks here

and other adventures! In the meantime, check out my photos on facebook!



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