Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Internships and Weekend Happenings

I know it's been a while since I've posted, but I have a good excuse! I am entering the last week and a half before "Spring Break" (crazy) and I've been swamped with papers, exams and other assignments. While it's no where near the Hopkins level of midterm craziness, it has put a bit of a damper on fun activities.

Last weekend I went to Old Biscuit Mill again, which was a ton of fun. More good food, and interesting things to  see. Later that day a bunch of people in my house and I went to Kalk Bay. There's a nice little beach there, and several cute shops. We wandered around for a bit, laid out on the sand, and visited a pub that one of my housemate's dad's frequented when he was younger (her family is South African). Later several of us went out for Mexican food in Observatory, a really cute suburb near campus. While it wasn't quite the same as American Tex-Mex, it was a pretty good substitution.

Last week I also started my internship with Ubuntu Africa Child Healthcare. It's a wonderful organization that works out of Khaylitcha township that provides a comprehensive health and wellness after-school program to HIV positive children. I am actually the "fundraising intern" this semester, which means that my major job is to work on organizing a fundraiser to be held later this Spring. I am really excited to be working for such a great organization and to have so much responsibility!

This week there's just more work to do, a major paper, several mini essays and exam prep to get through before break. On top of it I've been feeling really sick the past few days, which puts a damper on everything. I am looking forward to going home in a few and going right back to bed.

My next update will talk a little bit about the AMAZING trip I'm going on for break- I am super excited!

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