Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Spring Break!

Hello All!

There are only two days left of classes before SPRING BREAK! I can't believe my semester is almost officially half over! Sometimes it still feels like I just arrived. For break I am going on an amazing trip to the Okavanga Delta, Chobe National Park and Victoria Falls. I'm traveling to three different countries, and going to see some amazing sites! I'm not sure what I am most excited for, Vic Falls is one of the natural wonders of the world, so that will obviously be a highlight, but I am also really looking forward to the delta. This time of year (winter into spring) it floods and a ton of animals visit it to drink water and prepare for summer.

I've spent this past week getting ready for my trip and also working on papers and other assignments for midterms. I've had to purchase anti-malarials, a sleeping bag and other assorted wilderness essentials. It will definitely be an experience to camp out for 10 nights, but one that I think will ultimately be a highlight of my time here in Cape Town.

I won't have internet or cell service starting Friday until Sunday the 11th, so don't be offended if I'm not getting back to you!



PS. I will make a few posts with a ton of pictures from the trip almost as soon as I return- promise!

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